Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Broad Institute researcher David Reich commented on the oldest ancient DNA Study made about the prehistory of South and Central Asia and arguesed: We can rule out a large-scale spread of farmers with Anatolian…
A quadrupedal whale is described based on a skeleton from the middle Eocene of Peru. It combines terrestrial locomotion abilities and use of the tail for swimming. This is the first record of an amphibious whale for the whole Pacific Ocean
The Kondaveedu fort was a well-fortified city and was the capital during the reign of Reddy kings and later used by the French and the British as a garrison.
Demosponge steroid biomarker 26-methylstigmastane provides evidence for Neoproterozoic animals... The oldest clue of animal life, dating back at least 100 million years before the Cambrian period, when most major types of animals appear, has been…
Hindistan'ın Godavari şehrindeki Lord Uma Koppulingeswara tapınağında 12 ile 15. yüzyıllar arasına tarihlenen, kraliyet kitabeleri keşfedildi.