Archaeologists excavating at a Lancashire site unearthed ceramics, pottery, and various artefacts, indicating an Iron Age settlement and Roman occupation.
Oxford Archaeology North (OAN) archaeologists made significant historical finds at the Lancashire excavation site. According to the team, these finds are evidence of an Iron Age settlement and Roman occupation in the area. According to Paul Dunn of OAN, the excavation had unearthed round houses with surrounding ditches. Nevertheless, the presence of Iron Age bowls and Roman pottery on the site made it stand out from other digs. "Unlike other Iron Age sites in Lancashire, we have found ceramics and pottery in Bourne Hill," said Dunn in an interview with BBC. "Lancashire was wet with marshland, and settlements tended to be on a hill." From the Iron Age to Roman Britain Paul Dunn notes that the site shows signs of a lengthy occupation from the Iron Age to Roman Britain. Local MP Paul Maynard expressed his excitement for the discovery, saying: "It certainly piqued my interest. It is always interesting to know what the area you represent was like thousands of years before you came to represent it." Developer Ecclestone Homes has applied for planning permission to develop 158 houses on the site. According to Wyre Council, which is liaising with OAN, the planning permission is soon to be granted.-
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