Elif Koparal: Doç.Dr. Elif Koparal kimdir?
Doç.Dr. Elif Koparal
MSGSÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Arkeoloji Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi
İletişim Bilgileri
Telefon: +90 212 246 0011 - 5445
Kişisel Web:
Kurumsal Web: https://www.msgsu.edu.tr/faculties/fen-edebiyat-fakultesi/arkeoloji-bolumu
Telefon: +90 212 246 0011
Fax: +90 212 246 0047
Öğrenim Bilgileri
Doktora / Sanatta Yeterlilik: 2011
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Yerleşim Arkeolojisi (2011)
Doktora Tezi Veya Sanatta Yeterlilik Çalısması Adı: “Urbanization process and spatial organization in Klazomenian Khora from Early Iron Age to Roman Period”
Mesleki ve akademik faaliyetleri (Bilimsel yayin, Sergi, Ödül, Uygulama vb.)
2006 ARIT Amerikan Research Institute in Turkey, Turkish Research Fellowship
2007-2008 DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, Halle Martin Luther University, Institute of Archaeology (Adv. Prof. Dr. A. Furtwaengler)
2007 METU Middle East Technical University 2005-2006 High Performance Award for Graduate Students
2013-2014 TÜBİTAK 2219- Post-Doc Fellowship (University College London, Institute of Archaeology)
2016-2019 British Academy Newton Award, “Unlocking the Ionian Landscape: Historic Landscapes of Urla-Çeşme Peninsula” Co-applicant: prof. Dr. Sam Turner (Newcastle University, UK)
2016-2017 ARIT American Research Institute in Turkey, W.D.E. Coulson & Toni Cross Aegean Exchange Program “Ritual Landscapes and Identities: Assessing the New Evidence from Urla-Çeşme Peninsula Survey”
Yayınlar ve Bildiriler:
2002- Berlin Freie University/GERMANY “The Impact of Ionian Migration on Western Anatolian Cultures in the Light of Literary and Archaeological Evidence”, Exogeneous Factors in the Development of Cultures of the Ancient Near East; Interaction and Migration, May 2002.
2005- Middle East Technical University/ANKARA-TURKEY “Klazomenai Olive Oil Press”, METU Archaeometry Symposium, 11 March 2005
2005- Mersin University/MERSİN-TURKEY “Identifying Migration with Archaeological Material; Ionian Migrations / Göç Olgusunun Arkeolojik Materyal ile Tanımlanması: Ion Göçleri Örneği”, Mersin University KAAM, Arkeolojide Yerleşim Çalışmaları, 7-9 April 2005, Mersin.
2005- Ankara University, Faculty of Letters /ANKARA “Impact of Migration on Urbanization in Ionia/Ionia’da Kentleşme Sürecinde Göçün Etkisi: Ion Göçleri Arkeolojik Materyal ile Tanımlanabilir mi?” Ankara University, DTCF, keolojik Araştırmalar Sempozyumu, 27-29 April 2005, Ankara.
2005- Berlin Freie University/GERMANY N. Tuna, N. Atıcı, İ. Sakarya, E.Koparal, “Burgaz-Datça Excavation” (Poster) Die Karer und die Anderen, Internationales Kolloqium 13-15 October 2005, Berlin.
2006- British Institute at ANKARA “Klazomenian Khora Survey Project: Defining the Urbanization Process in Klazomenai” (Klazomenai Khorasında Yüzey Araştırması Sonuçları: Kentleşme Sürecinin Tanımlanması), BIAA Phd Studies Colloqium, 4 December, 2006.
2008- Martin Luther University, Institute of Archaeology Halle-Wittenberg/ GERMANY
“Klazomenian Khora Survey Project”, Doktoranten Colloqium, 22 December 2008.
2008- Vrije University, Amsterdam/NETHERLAND“Klazomenian Khora Survey Project”, Vrije University, Invited Lecturer, 6 March 2008.
2008-Hacettepe University/ANKARA “Klazomenai Khorası’nda Mekansal Düzen”, Köprü: Arayanlar ve Düşünenler: Prehistorik Çağlardan Bizans’a uzanan Pratik ve Teoretik Yaklaşımlar, Hacettepe University-Ankara, 17 December2008.
2008-Mersin University/MERSİN N. Tuna, N. Atıcı, İ. Sakarya, E.Koparal, “Burgaz Antik yerleşiminde İÖ 4.-3. yüzyılda zeytinyağı ve şarap atölyeleri üzerine öndeğerlendirmeler”, Mersin University KAAM Anadolu’da Antik Dönemde Şarap ve Zeytinyağı Üretimi, Uluslararası Sempozyum, 6-8 November 2008.
2008-Mersin University/MERSİN E. Koparal, E. İplikçi, A. Savaş Bakır, “Klazomenai Zeytinyağı İşliği: Tarihlenmesi, Yeniden Ayağa Kaldırılması ve Günümüzde Kullanımı”, Mersin University KAAM Anadolu’da Antik Dönemde Şarap ve Zeytinyağı Üretimi, Uluslararası Sempozyum, 6-8 November 2008.
2011- Middle East Technical University, Settlement Archaeology Series IV/Ankara, E. Koparal, “Land Use and Agricultural Potential in Klazomenian Khora” Regional Studies in Archaeology, 12-13 May 2011.
2012- International Mediterranean Survey Conference, 15-16 June, KU Leuven-Belçika
E.Koparal, Urla-Seferihisar Field Survey Project
2013- Yerleşim Sistemleri ve Mekan Analizi Sempozyumu, 1-2 Şubat, Trakya University Edebiyat Fakültesi Arkeloji Bölümü E.Koparal, “Klazomenai Khora’sında Erken Demir Çağı’ndan Roma Dönemi’ne Dek Yerleşim Sistemler ve Polis Oluşum Süreci”
2013- International Mediterranean Survey Conference, 26-27 April, Gröningen-Holland
E.Koparal, “History of Archaeological Survey in Anatolia; Scientific Approach, State Politics and Methodology”
2013- Theoretical Archaeology Group (TURKEY), 9-10 May, Ege University, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Arkeoloji Bölümü-İZMİR E.Koparal, “Türk Arkeolojisinde İktidar-Mikro İktidar-Biyoiktidar Açmazları”
2013- Bordered Places and Bounded Times: Reflexive Approaches to Understanding Societies, 4-5 June, British Institute at Ankara E.Koparal, “‘Frontiers of Polis: Defining the Borders of Klazomenai”
2014- Liverpool University Archaeology Department Seminars 24 March 2014, "Urla/Seferihisar Archaeological Survey Project: Scope, Methodology and Results.”
2014- European Archaeologist Association 10-14 April, İTÜ İstanbul T01S019 A Globalisation of Death? Re-Interpreting Burial Practices of the Eastern Aegean, 9th - .4th Centuries BC (Session Organizers: Anja Slawisch, Yaşar Ersoy) “Tumuli as Landmarks – Political Landscapes of Teos and Klazomenai”
2014- European Archaeologist Association 10-14 April, İTÜ İstanbul T04S004 Young Researcher Symposium: Landscape Archaeology in Greece and Turkey (Session Organizers: Burcu Erciyas, John Bintliff) “Urla/Seferihisar Archaeological Survey Project: Methodology and Results”
2015- Theoretical Archaeology Group - Turkey 2nd meeting 5-6 February 2015, MSGU İstanbul “Eşyanın Tabiatı: Arkeolojinin Ürettiği Protez Bellekler ve Kimlikler”
2015- International Mediterranean Survey 16-18 April 2015, METU Ankara “Modern landscapes vs ancient landscapes: policies and ethics of cultural heritage in a living world”
2015- Thematic Archaeology Symposiums III / Tematik Arkeoloji Sempozyumu III, “Semiotics in Archaeology/Arkeoloji ve Göstergebilim” 18-19 June 2015, IYTE İzmir “Semiotics of Greek Polis / Yunan Polis’inde Kent ve Kentleşmenin Göstergeleri”
2015- Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts, İstanbul-Turkey, Natur und Kult in Anatolia, 6-7 November 2015, “Sacred landscapes of Clazomenaian and Teian Chorai”.
2016- Leuven University, Belgium, Invited Lecturer, 1 February 2016, “Ionian Landscapes: New Evidence from Regional Survey on Urla-Çeşme Peninsula, İzmir”.
2016- Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, New Approaches to Historic Landscapes, 15-16 February 2016, “Management of Archaeological Landscapes” Round Table Discussant.
2016- Ghent University, Belgium. International Mediterranean Survey Conference, 23-24 May 2016, “Sampling Ionian Landscapes: Case from Clazomenean and Teian Chorai”.
2016- Bilkent University, Ankara. Department of Archaeology and Communication and Design, De/Reconstructing Archaeology on Screen. 1-2 April 2016, Discussant.
2016- Nesin Foundation, Arche Summer School Project, Şirince, 8-9 July 2016, “Late Bronze Age Early Iron Age Transformation in Aegean: Ionian Migrations”.
2016- ARTIST 2016, Unexpected Territories 12-20 November 2016, İstanbul. NAKİL Exhibition, Advisor.
2016- Para-colonial Legacies: German & British Imaginaries of Ancient Aegean Landscapes, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge UK, 16-17 December 2016, “Legacies and New Results in the Archaeology of Ionian: Sampling the Urla- Çeşme Peninsula”.
2017- The American Research Institute In Turkey, The 37th annual lecture series: Art and Archaeology in Turkey, 23 February 2017, “Legacies and New Results in Ionian Archaeology: Sampling the Urla-Çeşme Peninsula”.
2018- Institut Francaise de’Etudes Anatoliennes, Anatolian Landscapes: Inhabitin Western Anatolia in Antiquity, “Ionian Landscapes: New evidence from the khorai of Klazomenai and Teos” 5-6 Nisan 2018, İstanbul.
2018- The Classical Association Annual Conference, Leicester University, “The “Emergence” of Ionian Polis: Archaic khorai of Klazomenai and Teos”, 6-9 Nisan 2018.
2018- International Mediterranean Surveys Conference, Survey methods for landscape management and protection (Alicante, 18-19th May 2018), “Sustainable Landscapes: Revealing and defending the Ionian Landscape”
2018- 40. Kazı ve Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı, “2017 Yılı Urla-Seferihisar Yüzey Araştırmaları Sonuçları”, Çanakkale
2018- 24. Ütopyalar Toplantısı, Karaburun-İzmir, “Urla-çeşme Yarımadasında Kültürel Peyzaj Çalışmaları Ve Sürdürülebilir Korumasına Dair Yeni Yaklaşımlar”, 3-7 Temmuz 2018.
2018- Nesin Vakfı Arche Ionia Okulu, Ionia Arkeolojisi Kampı, 23-29 Temmuz 2018, Şirince-İzmir.
2018 – 5th Landscape Archaeology Conference, Newcastle University / Durham University Keynote Speaker, “Political Ecologies and Cultural Landscapes: New Approaches in Community Archaeology” 17-20 September 2018, Newcastle.
2018- Claiming the Classical 21st century political rhetoric and the Greco-Roman past
“Inherited or conquered? Contested past of Anatolia”, (dr. Güneş Duru ile) Institute for Classical Studies, Senate House, Malet Street, London, 09 November 2018.
E. Koparal, “Archaic Olive Oil Extraction Plant in Klazomenai”, A. Moustaka, E. Skarlatidou, M.C. Tzannes, Y. Ersoy (eds.), Klazomenai, Teos and Abdera: Metropoleis and Colony, Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Archaeological Museum of Abdera (Oct. 2001), Thessaloniki 2004, 221-234.
E. Koparal, “Göç Olgusunun Arkeolojik Materyal ile Tanımlanması: Ion Göçleri Örneği” (The Identification of Migration with Archaeological Material: Ionian Migration as a Case Study), OLBA 12, November 2005, 1-21.
B. Erciyas-E. Koparal (eds), Black Sea Studies Symposium Proceedings, Ege Yayınları, Settlement Archaeology Series 16-17 April 2004, Ankara, Symposium Proceedings 1.
N. Tuna, N. Atıcı, İ. Sakarya, E. Koparal, “The Preliminary Results of Burgaz Excavations Within the Context of Locating Old Knidos”, in F. Rumscheid (ed.), Die Karer und die Anderen, Internationales Kolloquium Freie Universität Berlin 13. bis 15. Oktober 2005, Asia Minor Studien" of the Forschungsstelle Asia Minor in Münster, Habelt-Verlag, Bonn.
E. Koparal, “Border Forts of Klazomenai: Cinderesi Fortification”, in: R. Einicke S. Lehmann H. Löhr A. Mehnert G. Mehnert A. Slawisch (Hrsg.), Zurück zum Gegenstand. Festschrift für Andreas E. Furtwängler, ZAKSSchriften 16 (Langenweißbach 2009), 501-507.
E. Koparal, E. İplikçi, A. Savaş Bakır, “Klazomenai Olive Oil Plant: Dating, Reconstruction and Contemporary Use of It”, Ü. Aydınoğlu-A.K. Şenol (eds), Olive Oil and Wine Production in Anatolia During the Antiquity, Proceeding of the Int. Semp. In Mersin-Turkey, 06-08 November 2008, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul 2009.
Y.E. Ersoy-E. Koparal, “Clazomenae”, Current World Archaeology, Issue 52, Features, Turkey, March 7 2012.
E. Koparal, “Klazomenai Khora’sında Savunma Sistemi – Defensive System Around Klazomenian Khora”, I. Şahin (ed.) İsmail Fazlıoğlu Anı Kitabı, Trakya University Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yayınları, 2012/2013, 139-146.
E. Koparal, “Land Use and Agricultural Potential in Klazomenian Khora/ Klazomenai Khora’sında Arazi Kullanımı ve Tarımsal Potansiyel ” Arkeolojide Bölgesel Çalışmalar, Ege Yayınları, Yerleşim Arkeolojisi Serisi IV/ Settlement Archaeology Series IV, 125-145 (2014).
E.Koparal, “Teos and Kyrbissos”, OLBA 21, Mayıs 2013, 45-70.
E.Koparal, “Grek Polisi İmgesi ve Değişen Gerçekler: Klazomenai Örneği”, Ö. Çevik-B. Erdoğu (eds) Yerleşim Sistemleri ve Mekan Analizi, Ege Yayınları istanbul, 57-79.
E.Koparal, Book Review “Alan Greaves. The land of Ionia: society and economy in the Archaic period. pp. xvi+269, 33 b/w illustrations, 5 maps, 8 tables. 2010. Chichester, England, and Malden (MA): Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-119-02556-6”, Journal of Greek Archaeology Vol.1, 2016, Archaeopress, 35-38.
E. Koparal, Book Review, “Janett Morgan. Greek perspectives on the Achaemenid Empire: Persia through the looking glass. pp. xviii+365, 68 b/w illustrations and 4 maps. 2016. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 978-0-7486-4723-1”, Journal of Greek Archaeology Vol.1, 2016, Archaeopress, 44-48.
E.Koparal, N.Tuna,E.İplikçi, “Hellenistic Wine Press in Burgaz/Old Knidos”, METU JFA 2014/2 (31:2), 93-107.
E.Koparal, “Türkiye Arkeolojisinde İktidar, Mikro İktidar ve Biyo İktidar Odakları”, Ç.Ünlüsoy – P.Özgüner (eds.) Teorik Arkeoloji Grubu TAG1 Toplantısı (2014), 101-110.
E.Koparal, “Borders make the polis: Klazomenai" in E. Baysal & L. Karakatsanis, eds. (2017 - forthcoming) Bordered Places, Bounded Times: Cross-disciplinary perspectives on Turkey. London: The British Institute at Ankara, 97-109.
G. Duru, K. Eren, E. Koparal (ed.) Arkeolojik Şeyler / Archaeological Things, TAG Türkiye Serisi Bildirileri 2, Ege Yayınları 2017.
E. Koparal (Çeviren), “İnsan – Şey Dolanıklığı: Uzun Vadeli bir bakış (Ian Hodder)”, G.Duru, K. Eren, E. Koparal (ed.) Arkeolojik Şeyler / Archaeological Things, Ege Yayınları, 2017, 1-15.
E.Koparal, “Ritual Landscapes and Cultural Identities in Ionia: Evidence from the Rural Cult Places of Klazomenai”, Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments, Ugarit Verlag, 2017, 501-520.
E.Koparal, Y.E. Ersoy, M. Massa, V. Demirciler, “Sampling the Ionian Landscapes: An overview of Archaeological Surveys at Clazomenaean and Teian Chorai”, S. Steadman and G. Mc Mahon (eds.) Archaeology of Anatolia Vol.II, 2017, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 400-425.
E. Koparal, N. Tuna, “Results of the field surveys at Teos and environs 2007-2009: Revealing the Archaic landscape”, Journal of Greek Archaeology Vol.2 2017, 199-220.
E. Koparal, “Frontier sanctuaries and rural cult places in khorai of Klazomenai and Teos”, BYZAS (in print)